Since 1981, this Hispanic bilingual magazine was first created out of our basement in South West Grand Rapids, The Community Voice / La Voz magazine has focused on highlighting Hispanic community bilingual news content, cultural influences, business owners and the people in our communities that are making a difference. We are one of the most read bilingual publications on newspaper and magazines racks in Michigan. Our mission is to keep our communities informed, engaged, educated and entertained. Owner Dr. Jose A. Flores has spent a lifetime bringing issues to the forefront in the education system during his time as a teacher, administrator and board member for the Grand Rapids Public Schools. He remains committed to defying racial stereotypes by promoting diversity while highlighting Latino contributions to our country.
Though most of our readership is primarily Hispanic Americans, our stats also include a high proportion of the general public interested in Hispanic American Community culture and issues. Since our articles are published in English with Spanish translation, our publication also reaches students and teachers in schools and universities therefore, The Community Voice/La Voz Magazine has been incorporated in the learning of language classes.
Fact: Two-thirds of our readers were born in the United States and speak English fluently while reporting that they are also bilingual.
Fact: Our readers include first, second, and third generation Hispanic Americans who range from fluency in English from 23% to 94 percent.
According to the Census, young Latinos are one of the fastest - growing youth populations in the country making up for 18.3% of people in the nation. The median age is 28.
The Community Voice/ La Voz Magazine caters to the demographic of ages 18-44 yrs old in print only but is diverse in meeting diversified consumer needs by use of social media platforms, door to door distribution and rack stands located in local businesses/establishments of Grand Rapids, Lansing, Detroit, Muskegon, Holland, Saginaw and Kalamazoo.
Según el Censo, Latinos jóvenes son uno de los más rápidos - crecimiento de poblaciones juveniles en el país que compensa el 18.3 % de la gente en la nación. La edad mediana es 28.
La Voz de Comunidad / La Voz Revista satisface los demográficos de años 18-44 yrs viejo en la letra sólo, pero es diverso en la reunión de necesidades de consumidor diversificadas por el uso de plataformas de medios sociales, puerta a distribución de puerta y soportes de estante localizados en negocios/establecimientos locales de Magníficos Rápidos, Lansing, Detroit, Muskegon, Holanda, Saginaw y Kalamazoo.
The Community Voice/La Voz offers reasonable advertising rates. We provide a quality & free magazine, to strategically place your advertisement that successfully reaches bilingual and non- bilingual consumers. The Community Voice/La Voz takes the guesswork out of special segment/ethnic target marketing. Our readers are a diversified group. The Hispanic population has increased dramatically in Michigan, particularly in urban centers. The Community Voice/La Voz Magazine uses a bilingual format with significant rack and door-to-door circulation to effectively reach the Hispanic Market.
La Comunidad Voice/La Voz ofrece tarifas de publicidad razonables. Proporcionamos una calidad * revista libre, colocar estratégicamente su anuncio que con éxito alcanza bilingüe y no - consumidores bilingües. La Comunidad Voice/La Voz toma la conjetura de segmento especial / mercadotecnia objetivo étnica. Nuestros lectores son un grupo diversificado. La población hispana ha aumentado dramáticamente en Michigan, en particular en centros urbanos. La Comunidad Voice/La Voz Revista usa un formato bilingüe con estante significativo y circulación a domicilio para alcanzar con eficacia el Mercado hispano.
Have a story idea for us? Would you like to write for us? Freelance writers work from home and contribute to our publication from all over the country.
Send us a message and let us know what you are thinking about.
1052 Grandville Ave SW, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503, United States
Phone: 616-581-6271
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